Russell Verhey
I invite you to join Mentor Connect beginning on April 1st. 

Registration for the Event reflects your interest and inquiry. You're not obligated to commit until you have time to evaluate if Mentor Connect is right for you. It's our first pilot launch of Mentor Connect, so we're gauging the interest and getting to know the mentor community. 

Mentor Connect is a 3-month commitment. Based on your personal growth and professional development focus, you will meet virtually 1-1, Mentor and mentee. In addition, we will provide 3-monthly 1-hour sessions to help you make the most of your mentorship sessions. Mentor Connect is a 6-hour commitment from April to June. There is no cost other than your time. Mentorship is my passion and a way to say thanks to mentors and pay it forward. 

Mentor Connect will focus on two broad categories of life and work. 

  • Personal Growth - faith, family, friendship, fun, and fulfillment.  
  • Professional Development - talent development and career advancement. 
We plan to host Mentor Connect twice this year, spring and fall, depending on what works best for your interest and availability. 

We're excited to share the details about mentor connect with you!